Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Background on the pH scale and pH indicator

The pH scale is used to rank acids and bases with the numbers 0 to 14. A pH value from 1 – 6 (with 1 being the strongest) indicates an acid and a pH value from 8 – 13 (with 13 being the strongest) indicates a base (or alkali). Something that is neither an acid nor a base is considered to be neutral and has a pH value of 7 (e.g. distilled water).

A pH indicator is something that you can use to tell you whether a substance is an acid or a base. Red cabbage juice is a natural pH indicator. It contains chemicals called anthocyanins, which are pigments that react in different ways to acids and bases. Many flowers, fruits, and vegetables contain chemical substances that change colour in solutions of different pH values.

All pH indicators change colours depending on whether they donate or accept protons, (acids are proton donors and bases are proton acceptors). Therefore, pH indicators are themselves acids or bases. Chemists choose selective natural indicators (such as litmus) to indicate specific pH levels based on their colour changes.


So the conclusion is...avoid acidic food during gastric pains the best cure is to prevent it,your body must have a acidic balance not too much not too few.
Most importantly, have a balance diet if not, gastric pain will come after u and u will look lyk thisThe Power of Peppers by isolatediguana.
Tats the end of our chemistry,we hope u have learn something new about gastric and the food to be avoided, thk u^^

Monday, April 13, 2009

How to test out whether the substance is acidic or alkali

How do we test whether the substance is acidic or alkali, we can find out by MAKING OUR OWN NATURAL INDICATORS! Results can be pretty obvious and colourful at the same time!

Indicators are substances whose solutions change color due to changes in pH. These are called acid-base indicators. They are usually weak acids or bases, but their conjugate base or acid forms have different colors due to differences in their absorption spectra.

Example of a colour changing indicator is the hydrangea flower. It changes colour due to the pH level of the soil.

Treatments available

· Acute problems resolve spontaneously
· Chronic problems should be treated
· Drugs for treatment include:
a. Antacids
b. H2 antagonists
c. Proton pump inhibitors
· Timely meals relieves pain due to ulcers
· Consult - *Gastroenterologist.

*Gastroenterologist: A person who specilaise in the branch of medicine dealing with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.

Introduction to gastric^^

Our bodies normally work hard to eliminate waste acids, but when we're overloaded with acidic foods (and lack of exercise and stress), the body has more than it can handle.

Excess waste acids that are not eliminated are reabsorbed from the colon into the liver and put back into circulation in our bodies.
Viruses and bacteria thrive in an acid environment. They eat waste acids and create toxicity with their own wastes. So, if a person is in balance with a healthy pH balance, they should be much less likely to get sick.

What you can do to ease pain.

+Avoid excess milk. If any of the following foods are increasing your symptoms or distress,decrease their consumption or avoid them altogether: caffeine (coffee, chocolate, colas, tea), fried or fatty food, alcohol and mint. Sometimes, symptoms may also be exacerbated by tomatoes, citrus fruit, other acidic food, and food that is highly spiced .
+ Avoid smoking; nicotine stimulates acid *reflux in the esophagus.
+ Eat smaller meals, with occasional snacks if you must.
+ Avoid Aspirin and anti- inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.
+ Raise the head of your bed six inches or so by propping up the legs of the bed with blocks; this will reduce reflux problems while you sleep.
+ Avoid eating right before going to bed.
+ Avoid clothes that fit tightly around the waist or abdomen.
+ If you are overweight, try to lose a few pounds! Excess weight can put pressure on the stomach which increases the risk of reflux.
*Reflux: flowing back

Causes of gastric

The causes of gastric are:
•Improper digestion
•Eating badly combined or improperly cooked foods
•excessive intake of strong tea, coffee, or alcoholic drinks
•habitual use of large quantities of condiments and sauces.
•Other causes include worry, anxiety, grief, and prolonged tension, use of certain drugs, strong acids, and caustic substances.